The Travel Seven: Jazmin Long


Name: Jazmin Long

Home City/Country: Cleveland, OH/USA

Occupation: Immigrant & Refugee Integration

Passport Stamps Include: France, Spain, Monaco, South Africa, Poland, German, Bahamas, Dubai & more.

1. My best travel memory so far is… Traveling from Johannesburg to Durban. I was so excited when I had the chance to study abroad in South Africa, but I truly did not know what to expect. As soon as I stepped off the plane and made my way to the van for transportation, I asked myself was I in an African country or the Bahamas?!?! In that moment, I was forced to confront every idea I had about the country of South Africa. While there is much despair present, there is also so much beauty. During my six months in South Africa, I made it a point to explore the 10 miles of beaches in Durban and even had the chance to live in a hostel in Cape Town for 5 weeks. It was a true experience of a lifetime.

2. My favorite hotel & why… My favorite hotel is the Ritz Carlton in Naples Florida. It's located right on the Gulf of Mexico and features an amazing beach with tons of water activities with a full service restaurant and bar. I have never been a beach person, but upon visiting this hotel I realized it was because I was doing beaches wrong! I sat on the beach for 5 hours! It was amazing.

3. My must-haves on any flight are… I have to have a thin blanket on any flight, I get cold so easily. I also find that my skin dries out on flights so lotion is also a must. On international flights I love watching the available movies, so headphones are crucial!

4. When I’m on the road, I absolutely hate… Traveling with people who aren't willing to explore. I love finding different ways to explore when I am on vacation, including being willing to try local cuisine, so it bugs me when travel companions only want to eat "American" food.

5. My dream destination or vacation is… The Maldives!

6. The three things I can’t travel without are… 1. Headphones, Phone/Music/Camera, and a good book.

7. The top lesson I’ve learned while traveling is… To roll with the punches. I have learned that spontaneity often leads to the most amazing experiences. So, while I do travel most places with a game plan/itinerary I go with the mindset that if I learn about something better to do once I'm actually in the country then I go with that.

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