The Travel Seven: Ashley Patrice

parlour-travelseven-ashleyName: Ashley PatriceCity/Country: New York, NYOccupation:  Television AdvertisingPassport Stamps: Colombia, The Czech Republic, Saint Barthélemy, Italy, Kenya, The Netherlands, Belgium, Mexico, Croatia, Zambia, Egypt, Morocco, Denmark and tons more...1. My best travel memory so far: Cliff-diving with strangers in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and there was a sleepless weekend in Paris that is probably better left untold. But the top memory may be the warmth I experienced in Greece. The people there are so friendly. Total strangers embraced me and offered suggestions on sightseeing and restaurants which was particularly helpful, since I travelled there alone. There are friends I made on that trip with whom I still keep in contact. I truly love so much about Greece; from the culture and history in Athens to the amazing food. And the island hopping...ahhh, the island hopping!2. Favorite hotel & Why: The Chobe Safari Lodge in Kasane, Botswana is one of the most impressive I've seen. It has all the decadence of a high-end resort, but with doors that open right into Chobe National Park. Animals would wander right up to you! I must admit though, I didn't stay there. Rather, I took a three hour boat ride to camp with wild game in Chobe. Less luxurious, but far more rewarding. I could even hear lions roaring in the night. There is no thrill like that!3. My must-haves on any flight are:  A window seat—one of the best parts of traveling for me is that feeling you get when you can look over a new destination just before landing. An iPad fully stocked with the current issues of my favorite fashion magazines, and a glass...or three of champagne.4. When I’m on the road, I absolutely hate: Sticking to the tourist route.5. My dream destination or vacation: I have two. My whole life I've wanted to travel to Madagascar. And in fourth grade, I developed a fascination with Nepal. I learned so much about it. I've been longing to go ever since. Everest!6. The three things I can’t travel without: A Lonely Planet guidebook, Vicks Vaporub (it soothes me, even when I'm breathing just fine - don't judge), and a journal. I'm super analog.7. Top lesson learned while traveling: "Normal" is whatever you make it.Already on your second or third passport? Join the Travel Seven and submit your answers today to—if we like them we will post on here on Parlour!