Miss Parlour? We Miss You Too!
Hey there! Have you missed us as much as we miss you? Wondering what's up with your favorite website? Here is the skinny: we're working. HARD.For the winter of 2014, the Parlour brain trust decided to take a quick step back to reorganize, revamp and rebirth a new design and perspective for Parlour Magazine. In the midst of all of this we've been traveling the world, getting married, building other projects and collecting more stories that we can't wait to share with you.In the meanwhile, keep up with us on twitter and follow the exploits of the Parlour crew for an inside look.Or catchup on so travel inspiration.Or check out some hilarious, too good to be true travel stories.And mark April 2 on your calendar. Because it's on...OH IT'S ON!Until then ladies!xo, Shannon, Hillary and Sherry